Adams, Eric, Don Allen, and Bob Fish. “Seven Themes of Fruitfulness.” International Journal of Frontier Missiology 26, no. 2 (2009):75-81. How do we cooperate with the Father in the process of establishing communities of Jesus’ followers in the Muslim world? What is our part in his plan to raise up communities of faith? This paper describes seven strong themes which appear to significantly correlate with fruitfulness. These seven themes emerged in an inductive study of our data and our participants.
This material is also available as a multimedia presentation Seven Fruitful Themes (15MB), which requires Adobe Reader 9.0 or higher to view.) This multimedia presentation provides an overview of Fruitful Practices, or activities that promote the emergence, vitality, and multiplication of fellowships of Jesus followers in a Muslim context. In this presentation, the practices are arranged into seven dominant themes: fluency, reputation, social networks, storying, scripture use, intentional reproduction, and prayer.