Copies of Where There Was no Church and Where There Is Now a Church — ebook or hard copy can be ordered from https://missionbooks.org/.
Both books contain seven narratives gathered by Fruitful Practice Research from teams in our network in traditional Muslim homelands. Both contain a copy of the full Fruitful Practices Descriptive List. Both contain helpful discussion guides for your team.
What’s the difference? Where There Is Now a Church weaves discussion questions into the stories, encouraging readers to stop at key decision points and consider, “What would I do in a situation like this?”
Which story is the most compelling: The shipwreck that leads to a movement? The young believer who spoke publicly about peace to his militant community? The men who were convicted and served time for “glorifying Jesus excessively”? The women who created a community that men begged to join? The family challenged to believe if prayer in Jesus’ name would deliver their daughter from spiritual oppression?
You’ll just have to read them all and decide for yourself.
Fruitful Practice Research (FPR) serves a network of international agencies. Inside this site, you’ll find information about training and coaching as well as tools to help workers be more fruitful in their context. To be invited to access these resources please write to [email protected].