26 October 2010 — Only a few years ago, stories about Muslims putting their faith in Jesus were scarce. Most of these stories described extreme circumstances of persecution. In their ones and twos, these brave souls were willing to give up everything for what they believed to be true. While that’s still the case today in some places, in others, communities of Muslims have begun to follow Jesus. Today there are places where not just ones and twos, but families of Muslims, and even networks of families, have begun to follow Christ together.
Where There Was No Church: Postcards from Followers of Jesus in the Muslim World tells the stories of people born as Muslims in predominantly Islamic countries who have begun to follow Jesus Christ as Lord. They live in societies where, until recently, there was no active witness to the gospel. While the book brings together stories that show what God is doing through his people among Muslims, this isn’t about imposing Western-style Christianity on anyone. Rather tells how outsiders are meeting Muslims where they are and inviting them to follow Jesus through locally-led worshipping communities.
As well as telling groundbreaking stories, Where There Was No Church also brings to life fruitful practices that have helped followers of Jesus invite Muslims to follow him, too.
There are estimated to be around 1.5 billion Muslims who have yet to meet a follower of Jesus. This resource should inspire us that God is at work in the Muslim world. It will also equip us to most effectively share the Gospel with those who have yet to hear.
Where There Was No Church is available from Learning Together Press. For more information, images, or interviews please contact: [email protected].
Where There Was No Church: Postcards from Followers of Jesus in the Muslim World E J Martin, editor Learning Together Press 2010 216 pp. UK £7.99 // US $12.50 www.learningtogetherpress.com
Endorsements for Where There Was No Church
This compilation of true stories is a must read for all who want to learn from the experiences of others. It gives great insights into the practices that God is blessing in raising up Jesus followers among Muslims. With resources that have been developed over many years by a multi-agency team, this book will help to equip you for the task. Don’t leave home without it! – Dr. J. Dudley Woodberry, Dean Emeritus of the School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA
Gone are the days when the only people writing about Islam and its adherents were academics. Books by reflecting practitioners, such as this one, are complementing the scholars. Gone are the days when approaches to Muslims were sincere but mono-cultural. Books such as this one, take the cross-cultural task seriously by rolling up their sleeves and entering into the world of Muslim people, taking the gospel with them as a lifestyle. The contributors to this book work hard to reflect well on good practice and what resonates best with Muslim people as they follow Jesus Christ. It is therefore an invaluable read that already sits high on my most recommended reading list. – Steve Bell, author and trainer in Islam and Christian witness, England
Where There Was No Church helps us to understand new movements of people who may want to follow Christ if they understood Jesus and the Gospel in a new way. I commend these fantastic stories to you; they come from people who are not just theorists but also practitioners. May this book equip us to share Christ meaningfully in the modern world. – Dr. K. Rajendran, General Secretary, India Missions Association and Chairman, World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission, India
Do you want to understand what principles are bearing fruit in pioneer church planting among Muslims? Where There Was No Church is a very helpful tool for Great Commission Christians who want to discover how we can be “workers together with God.” You will learn how to analyse a ministry and better think through principles. You will also rejoice as you read about places where there are no Muslims who are “obedient to the faith.” Highly recommended to those who love God with their minds as well as their hearts. – Dr. Greg Livingstone, Founder, Frontiers, England
Across the Muslim world, the Holy Spirit is quietly but powerfully writing a story of people coming to love and follow Jesus. This book tells something of that story. It calls us to pray believingly, to reach out in love and to witness wisely. Let’s dare to join in the Spirit’s story! – Mrs. Rose Dowsett, Vice-Chair, World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission, Scotland
I have used Where There Was No Church in a small group setting to encourage creative ways to think about mission. Each person, no matter what their background or previous experience with cross-cultural ministry, could identify in some way with the stories. The book caused each of us to stop, think and pray for those who do not have the same freedoms as we do, and encouraged us to reexamine how we see and do church in our own context. – Rev. Lanny Arensen, International Director, AIM, England
With its compelling narratives illustrating solid research, this book doesn’t attempt to give you all the answers, but it could well help you ask the right questions. – Dr. David Greenlee, PhD, International Research Associate, OM, Switzerland
Who doesn’t want to be fruitful? Jesus said, “By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.” (John 15:8, NASV). Everyone who seeks to glorify God wants to bear fruit, but many faithfully serve and see little fruit. Where There Was No Church is a training manual that brings together stories of fruitfulness from those serving in some pretty tough places. Listen to their testimonies and discover how God is working; then, survey the descriptive list of fruitful practices that provide proven principles gleaned from fruitful practitioners. I use Where There Was No Church with IMB workers as they prepare for ministry among unreached people groups. – Dr. Jim Haney, Director, Global Research IMB, USA
This book brings together great stories of God at work in the Muslim world. As you read it, you will grow in expectancy, learning more of how to partner in what God is doing. I am certain that Where There Was No Church will help us to find a path to fruitful ministry among Muslims. – Mark Kim, International Director, Global Operation, Korea
Church has historically been done in a doctrinal and political way, leading to denominations. But when it comes from stories like these, of the gospel moving in new areas like Islam, church is dynamic, reflecting the words of its founder: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” – David Bok, Bible teacher and cross-cultural facilitator who relates to Muslims through inter-religious dialogue, Southeast Asia
Is it really possible to see reproducing groups of Jesus’s disciples among Muslims? Are there theologically sound and innovative principles which any self-sacrificing Jesus-follower can apply so that many Muslims can become his disciples reaching their own people without having to become “Western”? Yes! These exciting and sometimes heart-wrenching stories of God’s amazing work among Muslims deal with these and other possibilities. Don’t miss it! – Dr. Kent Parks, CEO of Mission to Unreached Peoples, and Co-Facilitator, Ethnê, who served among Southeast Asian Muslims for 20 years