What can you do when nothing happens?
“Father, move on Abu Yusuf! Grant him a sign to confrm who Jesus is.” On the roof of the house where he lived with a local family, Owen Campbell called out all night for God to reveal himself. Tough he had lived with Abu Yusuf’s family for only a few months, Owen sensed that God was stirring the man’s heart. Owen’s brother Samuel, visiting from abroad, joined him for that night of powerful prayer, when they sensed they were encountering spiritual powers at work around them.
Owen recalls, “We had such an intense night of spiritual warfare. I know some people regularly have spiritual insight about ‘powers,’ but I’m not that kind of guy! Weird things were happening around the house—even with animals in the area. Yet we felt compelled to keep on praying for God to give a sign to Abu Yusuf.”
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