Communities of Muslims are Following Jesus
26 October 2010 — Only a few years ago, stories about Muslims putting their faith in Jesus were scarce. Most of these stories described extreme circumstances of persecution. In their ones and twos, these brave souls were willing to give up everything for what they believed to be true. While that’s still the case today in some places, in others, communities of Muslims have begun to follow Jesus. Today there are places where not just ones and twos, but families of Muslims, and even networks of families, have begun to follow Christ together.
Where There Was No Church: Postcards from Followers of Jesus in the Muslim World tells the stories of people born as Muslims in predominantly Islamic countries who have begun to follow Jesus Christ as Lord. They live in societies where, until recently, there was no active witness to the gospel.
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Using Research Method to Discover Fruitful Practices in Other Blocs
Can the methods of the Fruitful Practice Research group in studying work among Muslims be used among other religious blocs? This was the question that sent members of the research group to present their methods and results at the October 2009 meeting of the International Society for Frontier Missiology (ISFM).
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Fruitful Practice Research Team Reinforces its Two Primary Roles
At the Bangalore 2009 Vision 5:9 Network Assembly, Fruitful Practice Research again reinforced our two primary roles as we serve this network:
- helping to instil habits of “reflective practice” among field workers and their agencies, and
- developing relational connectivity to encourage the exchange of knowledge.
We believe these will make all of us more effective in our common calling of establishing churches, faith communities who follow Jesus, among Muslim peoples.
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All Vision 5:9 Partners to Participate in New Round of Fruitful Practice Research
Vision 5:9 partners are taking the next step to understand what leads to greater fruit
28 September 2009 (London, England) – After months of preparation, the Fruitful Practices Task Force is about to begin a new round of surveys and interviews in November. This new cycle of research will help Vision 5:9 Partners understand the context and the activities of practitioners that promote the emergence, vitality, and multiplication of fellowships of Jesus followers in Muslim societies. The study aims to produce clearer understanding of Fruitful Practices. The Fruitful Practices Task Force will contact each Vision 5:9 Partner with instructions on how to participate in this research. Once results are analysed, all Partners will have access to the insights that this new research will produce.
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List of Fruitful Practices Released
Fruitful Practices List shows what the Father is teaching others in Muslim world
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