A young man visits his uncle in the city to find out whether he can believe the stories he’s heard about Jesus the Messiah.
The young man walked down the dusty street of the market, looking self-conscious dressed in robes that mark him as from the countryside. He made his way through the throng of shoppers bartering with merchants, milling at the open booths and looking for bargains at the end of the day. Even now, some of the shopkeepers were striking the awnings, packing away their vegetables, meats, fabrics, and pots for tomorrow’s business. He dodged between a man loaded down with plastic bags and housewife in intense discussion with a greengrocer over carrots.
He finally saw the stall he was looking for, filled with cans and jars on the shelves, open drums of flour and maize, sacks of rice and millet, small plastic bags with nuts and crackers, large plastic bags of oil. The owner of the stall was beginning to bring in his wares and seal his goods to protect them from rats and other pests. Daud slowed and walked toward the man. “As-salaamu alaykum [peace be upon you],” he said quietly. “Uncle Yusuf, how are you? I bring greetings from your brother, from your family.”
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