Judicious Intercessors emphasize prayer and fasting along with cultural sensitivity. They are more likely than other segments to indicate priority practices of praying for the needs of friends in their presence and of regularly engaging in corporate prayer and fasting. While workers in all segments value cultural sensitivity, behaving in culturally appropriate ways is an especially high priority for Judicious Intercessors.
This value extends to respecting gender roles in the culture as well. In fact, female workers make up a larger portion of this group-about 65 percent-than other segments. Members of this segment also tend to be team oriented.
The “”Judicious”” element of the segment reflects greater caution and discretion in witness than the members of other segments. In some cases, this may have to do with opportunity or local context. Members of this segment are more likely than those of other segments to be based in the Arab World or in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In addition, Judicious Intercessors are less likely than members of other segments to:
– use a variety of methods in communicating the Gospel- use methods of sharing that are reproducible locally- take advantage of pre-field or on-field research
About one in eight Vision 5:9 Network workers is a Judicious Intercessor.
Judicious Intercessors are encouraged to consider and discuss the following:
- As one who wisely emphasizes prayer, how can you encourage, lead or influence others in this key activity?
- As one who tends to emphasize cultural sensitivity (but not through research), you likely learn through experience. How can you effectively steward your experience, documenting it and sharing with others in meaningful ways?
- What have you learned about discretion in sharing your faith? How can those lessons be effectively communicated to others?
- On the other hand, courageous witness is among the key Fruitful Practice themes. Are there conditions or situations that would enable you to be more bold in sharing the Gospel appropriately in your context? What resources would be helpful in planning or documenting growth in boldness?
- Because opportunities for bold sharing may be limited, it is especially important that communication methods or tools be reproducible locally. What would a “reproducible method” look like in your context? How can you establish a model or pattern for those with whom you are able to share?
- You may have more awareness than others of the needs and issues of women in your community. What are their key needs? What programs or initiatives have been designed to serve them? What more could be possible?
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